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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tai Chi Anyone? Anyone?

Yesterday Alec and I, armed with a new Baby Trekker (generously provided by my parents and sister), attended our first Tai Chi class.

The class turned out to be a private lesson (well, semi-private considering Alec was also in attendance) when no one else showed up. At first this seemed a bit shocking given that my plan had been to stand at the back and pay something less than full attention to what was going on. My shock changed to alarm when I found out that holding babies in carriers while doing tai chi is strongly discouraged, given you might "hit" the baby with all that energy you're moving around with your hands while performing the tai chi (who knew?). Anyhow, all's well that ends well - I left much more knowledgable about tai chi than I had ever hoped and with the knowledge that Alec will watch me do silly things for a good long time from a comfy position on the floor!

Most importantly, we are loving, loving, loving our Baby Trekker.
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