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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines 2013 - Requited Love

First, behold the candy sushi we made for Alec's class for Valentines Day. Second, feast your eyes on Alec's Valentine to Juliette (yes, Juliette). Alec chose the nicest of our girly valentines for Juliette and specified that no other girl should get the same, he applied the letter stickers himself (I did so for the other girls), and then he wrote something just for her on the Valentine (i.e. Will you be my Valentine?). Next, see the Valentine from Juliette to Alec (where she saw fit to write I (heart) you). When love is requited, all is well.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Alec's 2012 Valentines

These were the great loves of 2011! In 2013 we are up to 13 girlfriends, so I had better invest in some more glue and glitter before the big day.

The Reluctant Beaver

Just before Christmas 2011, Alec joined a Beaver colony. While he loved being a Beaver, it took some coaxing to get him to smile for a picture while wearing his Beaver uniform (I guess maybe he was onto me, starting to understand that such a picture in my hands could end up just about anywhere ...).

Christmas Day 2011 - Don't Move, Or I'll Shoot ...

Santa came though for Alec in 2011 with this marshmallow gun. That's when I learned that Alec will shoot, whether or not you comply with his orders. Some villians are just like that!

Christmas Treats 2011

During the holidays, I would rather shop than bake (or cook, or clean ... you get the picture), but I make an exception for the classroom treats that Alec has always shared with pride. :-)

Christmas Memories 2012/11

One crisp and bright day about two weeks before Christmas 2012, our family bundled up and set off for a local tree farm where Alec had enjoyed the memorable and fulfilling experience of selecting and cutting down a tree the Christmas before. When we reached the farm, a young worker met us at the gate - I expected to hear a brief welcome along the lines of "hot chocolate to the right, field of trees to the left" but was instead alarmed to hear him say that while the farm did have trees for sale, cut-your-own service was not available due to less than ideal tree growth in the season. Alan pulled in and parked while I held my breath and listened for protest from the backseat. Hearing none, I jumped out and opened Alec's car door to find him unsuccessfully trying to hold back tears - heart broken. I closed the door and Alan and I had a quick and quiet conversation along the lines of setting off again to try to find ANY cut-your-own experience that could satisfy the boy's primal need. Luckily, Alan was able to navigate us to just such an experience right up the road (minus the hot chocolate and children's amusements of the last place), and we came home with a beauty.

Here are a few of the photos from the joyful day in December 2011:

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Fall 2011 Toronto Weekend

Last fall, we spent a family weekend in (nearby) Toronto where the highlight was a trip up the CN Tower.  These are the photos I got (as opposed to photos that might show that we are at the top of a very, very tall tower - which might be a good thing to think of next time).

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Alec`s Pet Business

If you read this blog, this is probably not the first you`re hearing of Alec`s Pet Business. This pic was taken in November (when the business was first conceived). Not to discouraged by an apparent lack of demand, we are still going strong on making signs. I would be remiss if I did not mention our two paid contracts to date (naming a cat for the price of $5.00 and checking up on two cats while their owners were away).

Ninja Power

This year, Alec was so excited about his ninja Halloween costume (i.e. Cole in dragon suit) that he decided to wear it both to school and to Trick or Treat. He was also enthusiastic about my costume (Velma from Scooby Doo) so I had to wear it to Trick or Treat as well. Let me just say that I`d have been a wee bit more comfortable if he had worn the Scooby costume... As it was, I think our neighbours just thought I was had questionnable dress sense. Ah well, no one (and I mean no one) argues with a ninja!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Halloween 2011 Treats

It is never the wrong time of year for a little Halloween spirit, as Alec demonstrated recently when he asked for a Haloween-themed birthday. Here are some of the treats we enjoyed for Halloween 2011.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Perfect Picture that Wasn`t

Here is where Alec-gator drew the line on pumpkin farm photos. :-(

Alecgator Chucks Pumpkins

Montreal 2011

Alec took most of the pictures in Montreal last Fall, but here is one he is actually in!


This picture marks the first time we got it all on!

Apple Picking in September

As you can see, the usual suspects were involved. Later that same day, an apple pie was also enjoyed by all pictured.

Alec`s First Day of Kindergarten!

Enough said!

Yo Yo Boo Boo

Last summer, Alec and I packed up his swim trunks, marshmallows and three of our best friends (one of whom was another Mom, luckily) and headed to the southern Ontario mecca of camping - Yogi Bear`s Jellystone Park in Niagara Falls, Ontario. A good time was had by all, and we might just have another round of that up our sleeves for summer 2012.

One Other Day Last Summer

Alec put on a red shirt and got totally soaked! If you read this blog, you will know that this is an annual occurance.


Well, you only turn 5 years old once so the fact that about 7 months have passed without me posting the pictures won`t stop me from doing so now. :-) July 1st of 2011 was a great day! Alec very much enjoyed his big day (and the sweet treats that went with it, pictured above) and after a party that was packed (quite literally packed) with buddies and fun, we set sail for our first week of adventuring aboard Cataque. You know how it is, you turn 5, and your mother sends you off to sea...

One Day Last Summer ...

Last summer, Alec got into the habit of listening to my i-pod on the way to his summer camp (which was a great summer camp, by the way - complete with a secret hideout, a girlfriend and buddies so tight that they would try to hide Alec when we came to get him so he didn`t have to leave) on the day the picture above was taken he temporarily removed his earphones to ask - ``it would be so cool if the whole world could hear my ear-tunes``. That was a great moment.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from Alec-aholic. Make your own badge here.