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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Time Sure Flies

The Alecgator turned 6 months old yesterday. I know it defies belief, but here is the evidence (beyond our calendars and, at least in my case, vivid memories of his birth):

1. Alec can roll over - both back to front and front to back. He doesn't choose to exercise this skill very often but, when he does, he completes the move with all the ease of a 6 month old.

2. Alec can sit up unassisted. This opens the door for a level of independent play (including the two-handed variety) that he has been enjoying.

3. Alec can pull himself to standing using a person for balance. This was scary to me until number 4 came along.

4. Alec can crawl backwards. According to my sister, I did this for many months before mastering forward motion.

5. Alec talks. At least this is what his father and I believe. He says 'Hi' at very appropriate moments.

So there you have the evidence. Let the good times roll.
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