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Thursday, February 28, 2008


Let me start by saying that I am flattered that people are anxious to see the vacation shots - so here's the first of many.

This is the splash pad/fountain that is located in downtown Venice Beach, directly beside a gazebo where free live entertainment is provided on many afternoons. Here Alec is enjoying both the water and the banjo music.

The first couple of times we visited the splash pad Alec was overjoyed (and he provided the entertainment to lots of folks who interupted their strolls just to watch him play in the water). After more than a few visits, his interest fell off a bit as he became more interested in exploring the gazebo, etc. The fountain was vindicated however on our last full day in Venice Beach when (due to the President's Day holiday) we found the fountain overflowing with happy children, at which time Alec proceeded to have one of the best times of his young life watching and participating in the merriment. Splash!
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