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Monday, October 26, 2009


Here are a few things that are interesting to me today (then again, I am under the weather, so it could just be the meds).

1. Alec's personal property corner. Anything Alec puts in this corner belongs to him and only him (no matter from where it originates). No one is allowed to touch it or even move it. You may notice the corner of some white plates (formerly mine, from the kitchen) not to mention the corners of two cheques/money orders kindly provided by Grandmom and Great Grandmom for Halloween (which he grabbed, clutched and ran with at first site; note the stickers and cards were a hit too)!
2. One of Alec's play scenes involving a pirate ship to which Owl (from the hundred acre wood) brought treasure which he found "in the sand". Owl then caught a pink fish to be cooked in pirate celebration, battled a bad pirate (with a sword) and battled spider man (with a cannon). He also did lots with the sails, about which I cannot provide an accurate report, but it certainly involved green string.
3. Alec's cardboard violin. Now, I wouldn't say he loves it but if you tell him that his teacher will come to the house to "help" him practice if he doesn't choose to do it on his own, he'll tucka tucka like a dam.
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