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Thursday, March 20, 2008


Here was how Alec looked when he checked out three pretty girls (highschoolers) at the beach. I'm not sure whether he was strictly flirting with them or his Gran (as it was herself who requested he give the girls a "flirty" look).

Monday, March 17, 2008

On the Phone

You might know that Alec dislikes the telephone (too much competition). Here he is in Florida, having been persuaded to converse with his Grampie (whom he knows drives big trucks and therefore has a soft spot for). You might notice there is not a lot of talking on his end but rest assured Grampie was making enough sound for two.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Alec in Action

I thought I should post a couple of photos of Alec looking as he does 99.9% of his waking hours. Trust me, it is shocking that I can get any photos of him standing still!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Storm Over Nokomis Beach

A little thing like a storm doesn't get us down!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Little Swimmer

Alec's greatest joy in Florida was to swim/splash at the beach. He also took some time to relax in a backyard pool. Here's a shot.

Incidentally, I have to send a thanks to my Aunt Debbie who, besides always having been an A+ aunt, is responsible for supplying me with a wealth of pictures (including some of me, my sister and lovely cousin) splashing around back in the day. I enjoyed cruising through these pictures yesterday and thought that I have to had to remember to tell her that I'm grateful for them.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Like Dad

Obviously Alec gets his love of, and skill for, driving from his father.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Little Gardiner

One of the things Alec loved to do at his Gran and Grandpa's house was water the flowers. Too bad more water ended up on him than on the flowers ...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Wooing Of A Duck

Alec could have stayed at this pond all day. First he fell in love with the fish, then the ducks (once his Gran hooked him up with some duck food). I thought to post it today because we were looking at some animal pictures this morning and I asked him if he remembered feeding the ducks and he showed me his sign for his Gran.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Speaking of New Friends

We only visited this guy once while in Florida but it sure was a good time! Check out Alec's snazzy Mickey Mouse duds. They came from his Great Grandmom for his 1st birthday. Needless to say, Florida was a great place to wear them!

Monday, March 03, 2008

More Bird Action

For your viewing pleasure ...

A Very Good Friend

One of the many pleasant surprises I got in Florida was how many interesting birds we would encounter on a daily basis - some were even taller than Alec. When Alec saw such a bird, he would do the sign for petting and then the sign for hug - he loved them that much. His best feathered friend however was the stationary model pictured here which was discovered on the very first day in his Grandparents' front yard. Over the course of the two weeks he petted the bird, fed the bird (mostly stones) and rode the bird (both forwards and backwards). What a sweetie!
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