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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 09, 2010

Alec tells a joke

Alec is a very successful joke teller. His current favorite, you ask:

Why did Tigger peek into the toilet?

He was looking for Pooh!

[Insert uproarious 4-year old laughter here).

Hardy har har har.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Silly, Silly, Silly

This is the manner in which the boy chose to transport his hat to the splashpad

park down the street a couple of weeks ago (... and that's just the tip of the iceburg where silliness is concerned)!

Think He Likes Her?

A picture is worth a thousand words I guess...


This pirate hat is back in heavy rotation!

The Sharing of A Chair

It seems that these buds in particular consider it a great pleasure to share a chair with Alec. As you can see, he tolerates the sharing of space but does think it necessary to provide them much room.

Three Amigos

See that look?

What Alec is saying with his eyes here is: "Pipe down Mom, for I am a boy standing on a post and I will, will, will be jumping from it to the ground below. There is no stopping me."

Alecgator About Town

He is Alec on a recent playdate with some of his fave buds.

More Spiderman

Alec is now in a great phase of loving superheros. He loves the books, pretend play and imagining that goes with them. Luckily, he and I are on the same page with respect to the movies - "I think I would like to watch that when I get bigger" he proclaims when he sees any such DVD case.

More Spiderman

Oh to be a kid. Alec has hardly questioned where Spiderman came from that day and whether or not he will come back. Talk about living in the moment ...
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