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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last Set of Pictures

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Lots to Report - Part II

Fourth and fifth, it's still Christmas and if Alec's not playing with his toys, he's playing with his socks.

Last but not least, behold Alec's Aunt Jo Jo, aka the baby whisperer, who has arrived for a short but fun-filled visit. Life is good.

Lots to Report - Part I

There is so much to say about Alec's wonderful first Christmas, I don't know where to start. Here is a photo summary of some of the fantastic things that went on:

First, here is Alec en route to his Gran and Grandpa's house. Despite the Christmas P.J.'s, he doesn't have a sense of what's in store for him.
Second, it is Christmas Eve and Alec is getting ready to visit his great Aunt and Uncle, along with his two-year old second cousin. Very exciting!
Third, Christmas morning and life is good! Made a fuss over by both his parents and his Grandparents, Alec decides that this Christmas thing is very worthwhile indeed!

More Pictures, Again

Thursday, December 28, 2006

... and more!

Friday, December 22, 2006

More Photos

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Here are some of the professional photos I promised of Alec at 3 mos. More will follow in the coming days. Enjoy! (Photos taken by Rebekah Jamieson of Rebekah Jamieson Photography -

What a Week So Far

Here are some of the Christmas activities Alec has been engaging in this week: 1. Playing with the box rather than the contents; 2. Exchanging gifts with his good friend Katie (he is pictured here using his gift, the Bee Bop Band drum, as a kind of belly perch - who would have thought?) and, finally, keeping up his Christmas correspondence with his Great Grandmom in Nova Scotia. What a week so far!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Hardy Har Har

Look who's sporting a new car seat (don't worry, he'll be strapped in properly when actually in the car). The style is 'crocodile', I guess they were out of 'alec-gator'. Hardy har har.

P.S. - Next week were are starting our holiday series, comprised of pictures taken (by a professional no less) when Alec was 3 months old. If the Christmas cards we ordered ever arrive, we will be sending one of these photos with your card!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

How do you like me so far?

Wednesday is music class day and many nice things always happen on music class day. Two weeks ago, Alec actually sang during the class and the teacher pointed out that he was singing in pitch (as apparently all babies will do if they are inclined to sing at all). Yesterday, the moms were commenting on how much he's grown over the last two weeks. Having all those moms checking him out and smiling at him caused him to smile a lovely smile and appear quite pleased. The music teacher spoke up and said it was like he was saying, you guessed it: "How do you like me so far?"

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I Bounce, Therefore I Am

It looks like we are in the market for a Jolly Jumper. A couple of nights ago, I put Alec in this one, which is on loan from a friend, and he bounced like it was going out of style. What a blast!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Grandpa

Alec's Grandpa's birthday was this weekend and Alec got to spend some time with him and his Gran on Saturday, then attend the official (and Alec's first) birthday party on Sunday. Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Triple Threat At Play

Alec's development is so cool to watch. Sometimes I find myself staring at him and thinking "I know there's something different about the way he's doing that, but what is it exactly"? Three new things I have noticed this week, all involving play, are: 1. He switches toys between his hands and feet (when sitting up) at will, 2. He can use two hands to play with one toy (such as a ball - his favourite) or one toy in each of two hands, and 3. He has distance -the fact that he can kick and roll things across the room sure brings a new dimension to play.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Getting Well

Alec is a feeling a little better everyday. Thank goodness! He is still getting lots of sleep, but most of the other symptoms have disappeared. We have been in all week and are looking forward to getting some fresh air soon (even if it is cold fresh air).

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Adieu Fair Bumbo

One day last week Alec's Dad came home, looked down at the kitchen floor and asked, "what's that?", to which I replied "Cole's bumbo". "How silly of me," he responded. I did not elaborate that Alec was test driving the seat for a few days to see if a new purchase was warranted. Sadly, Alec's love of the bumbo was fleeting and it has thus been returned to its rightful owner (who reportedly feels much the same way about it as Alec). Adieu fair bumbo.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Noteworthy Items

A couple of items you might notice from these pics: 1. Alec has befriended the creature from earlier post "I Am An Alec. What Are You?" 2. Alec is wearing new P.J's - this is because he has grown out of size 6 to 9 months and is now in 9 to 12 months (all height related) and 3. Alec is a touch under the weather for the first time in his life. I so feared this day but have to admit it's quiet manageable as he is getting lots of sleep and has kept playing and smiling.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Must Be Santa

Alec had a blast visiting Santa! The "official" pictures are even better - they will soon be available for viewing at the Grandparents' home nearest you.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Well, the Alec-gator is 5 months old today and last night (and again this morning) he orchestrated several games of peek-a-boo all on his own. The coolest thing was that I was changing his diaper when it started so the idea to play the game was all his own.

If there was any doubt as to who is running the show around here, it has been quashed.
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