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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fun and Games

Here is Alec enjoying a new finger play game that we picked up at Musikgarten.

Monday, May 28, 2007

One small step for Alec, one big step for his Mom

I knew it was coming and then it happened. Alec walked today. Beginning last week, he started taking steps - one or two at a time. Then he started cruising (mostly in a circle around me) holding onto very little (just a handful of my hair, for example). Then today in music class he took one look at the 19-year-old blonde nanny of the triplets in the class (yes triplets!) and went for her. He also had an instrument in his hand at the time. Five steps later, he landed softly on his bottom.

This is just one of several recent changes I've witnessed as he morphs into toddlerhood. I feel so much excitement and anticipation about these changes but also feel a little sad that the baby I know and love so much is no longer going to be with me. This afternoon, packing up his beloved Gymini (i.e. the mat over which toys hang from arches to please a pre-ambulatory baby), I cried a little.

P.S. - I have been tirelessly searching for organic goat's yogurt and cheese for days. Last week, I brought my Mom into the wild goose (or goat) chase by asking her to hunt down the same for Alec to have during our vacation. Today, she informed me that she had secured a supply within hours of my request. "There's a place just down the road," she informed me, "selection is best on Thursdays and Fridays." Go figure.

Friday, May 25, 2007

First Lunch Date*

Date: May 24, 2007

Location: Alec's kitchen (the decor leaves something to be desired but the staff are attentive)

Menu: For Madam: pasta, yogurt and apples, For Sir: cereal with blueberries, banana and plums

*Technically, it is their second lunch date, but Sir slept through the first (which is not to be taken as any reflection on the excellent company)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Beat the Heat

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Quiet But Persistant ...

is how the cashier at our local bookstore described Alec today. I couldn't have thought of a better description myself.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Very Special Guest

The weekend before last, Alec's grampie paid him a visit. Here's a photo to show that a good time was had by all.

Monday, May 14, 2007

We're Back

Here you have the Alecgator, fresh from the bath.

Currently one of Alec's fav activities, you can find him in the bath between 7 and 8 pm, generally in the company of his father. Usually, we start off with a quick scrub-down (then immediatly remove any wash cloths from the bathing area lest they become vehicles for his swallowing of copious amounts of water), then we play "Where's the Duck?" (he knows which toys are the ducks, and can even say the word duck), then we lift his toys high and drop them on a 3-count (lots of giggles here) and, for a finale, he splashes like crazy while we receipt lines from one of our fav books, i.e. Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb.
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