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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Guitar Hero

It turns out that Alec has a real passion for guitars. Anytime he sees one he feels he simply must have a turn. Here he is in the throws of playing the yukalayle (how does one spell that anyway?).

Day At the Races

Here is Alec and Grampie enjoying some local entertainment.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Moment For Reflection


Alec had massive choice when it came to trucks at his Grandmom and Grampies but he often chose to work with this road grader, which is actually a Christmas ornament purchased to remind us (though we don't really need reminding) of our beloved Great Grampie.

No Time To Chat ...

... I've got work to do up at the barn.

First Kite

Alec witnessed kite flying during one of our visits to a local playground, while we were in NS. He responded by following the little girl with the kite, imploring her to hand it over by repeatedly saying "Alec", "Alec". Needless to say, she didn't hand it over. His Auntie, however, went immediately to the store to buy Alec not one but two kites and here you see Alec dilligently putting it together, with able assistance of his Grampie. The actual flying of the kite lasted about 60 seconds and when it was over we were all covered in string, head to toe. Alec was nonetheless very satisfied with his first kite flying experience.

More Tractor Action

More Horsing Around

Alec brought these two horses, plus the baby, with him from Guelph and played with them all over the yard and in the house, but particularly in the sawdust pile. He named them Mommy, Daddy and Baby. Now that we're back in Guelph however, he refers to them as Winnie, Maggie and Baby.

Beep Beep

Here comes Alec on the red tractor.

Two Men, Two Horses, A Million Apples

While in NS, Alec quickly learned that a trip to the barn with his Grampie meant he could eat apples, peeled especially on the spot. Not to be outdone, the horses quickly learned that seeing Alec at the barn meant Grampie would soon bring out the apples. This routine was enjoyed over and over again by all (except Grandmom who stays well away when apples are involved).

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Other Maggie

When Alec was visiting his Grandmom & Grampie, horses were the big thing. There were two real live ones in the barn (Winnie and Maggie - Alec quickly learned their names and referred to them thus) and a variety of toy horses that he was very clever at playing with. Pictured here is the other Maggie, as named by Alec. Alec would ride Maggie, pet her, feed her and, if the mood was right, race her (once or twice with a red frisbee perched atop his head in imitation of the drivers he had witnessed in action).

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Great Grandmom's House

One of Alec's favourite things to do in Nova Scotia was to visit his Great Grandmom's house. On the visit depicted in these pictures, he was taken for a ride in (and subsequently took for a ride) a great wagon. On another visit, he enjoyed pizza and the good company of two great aunts and a fabulous second cousin. On his final visit he indulged himself in a wealth of toys, ate ice cream, played computer games and watched (a very rarely permitted) Dora the Explorer episode on TV. Good memories ...

Monday, May 05, 2008

Auntie Doh Doh

Well, it can't always be love at first sight. I believe that Alec remembered his auntie as someone who wasn't afraid to say no to him and who got between him and his Mom -both of which left a bad taste in his mouth. She wasn't long, however, beguiling him with her red truck, big dog, boyfriend who races horses and snappy games and stories.
On the night she stayed with us, he was all hers, even joining her for breakfast the morning after (see above). When it was time for her to go, he saw the writing on the wall as his grampie brought her bag around to the side door and he responded by following his grampie and crossly shouting no, no, no. His grampie happily abandoned the bag (never one to want to see her go either) and we all tried to distract him back into his play room. It was, however, not to be as he wisked the bag into his own little hands and drug it back to where it came from originally, very satisfied indeed.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Cowboys' Tea Party

Enough said.
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