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Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Love of a Picnic Lunch

This summer, Alec embraced the "picnic lunch". He requested one almost wherever we went, and was always very satisfied to take this meals in the backyard, a la blanket. One tricky thing was if we went somewhere once with a picnic lunch, we could not go back without one. Also, if someone else supplied the picnic lunch (such as his friend Grace's mommy), he expected to get one each time he saw that them.

Adieu Parkview School

Over the summer, Alec attended a day care near our home for a half day, one day a week (mostly Mondays). This was a great way to familiarize him with a day-care routine (specifically that your parents are coming back for you) and he met some really nice teachers and kids. As a warm-up, he and I visited the centre together several times and I was always struck by how happy the children were and how advanced their social skills were. I would have never believed that two 16-month olds could make friends with each other. The first few drop-offs were easy and I felt such relief. The photos shown here were taken during that phase - when he was happy to hang around the front of the building "after-school", even requesting to stop there to play with his cars. Saying goodbye to us at drop-off time did became harder however (probably through a combination of seeing other childrens' reactions to the drop-offs and the novelty wearing off a bit) and, during this stage, he wanted to get away from the property asap (perhaps before anyone changed their minds about him leaving). I don't know if he'll get a chance to spend any time there again but, if not, we will have fond memories of becoming acquained with juice, his fave teacher Miss Brenda, a particular fire truck toy that he ran for when the toy cabinets were opened up, and painting (one day when I picked him up he exclaimed "Miss Brenda gave me paints Mommy").

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Birthday Warmer-Upper

A week or so before Alec's birthday, he celebrated with a group of 8 or so friends - kids he has "known" since they were all just weeks old. As every member of the group was turning 2 within weeks of each other, we decided to celebrate with a group birthday party held at our friend Sarah's house. It sure was fun!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birthday Revisited

I've finally been bitten by the blog bug after a long hiatus. Hopefully folks haven't given up on us! To start where we left off, here are some photos of Alec at his birthday party at the very end of June (July 1st being the big day). He had balloons, cake, cousins and new water toys to aid in the celebration. In one of the pictures, you will see that Alec made off with the de-treed pinata so he could be "alone" to count his loot. What a way to start his second year of life!
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