Finally, there is a shot of Alec with both his Grandmom and his Grampie (not to mention Werther the sheep who is crazy for Alec and follows him everywhere he goes during time spent at the Donkey Sanctuary).
I'll mention here that it was a heartfelt moment when my Mom and Dad left our home to return to N.S. At that moment, Alec knew exactly what was going on, despite our scheming to the contrary. He absolutely clung to both my Mom and Dad with a kind of sad resignation of "this is big - not the kind of stuff a tantrum is going to fix for me". Ten minutes later he communicated to me his expectation that he was going to meet them at the park (which happened to be where we were headed) but I could tell he didn't even believe it himself.
Last week - roughly two months since my Mom and Dad left, I found Alec's babysitter had drawn a picture for him on his chalkboard which was a home scene featuring five figures labelled Alec, Mommy, Daddy, Grandmom and Grampie. I don't recall ever mentioning my parents to the babysitter and certainly wouldn't have mentioned to her the names Alec uses for them (incidentally, they are also very unique where we live). What more can you say?