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Friday, March 26, 2010

More of the Same

It is more of the same, but I never get tired of that sweet face!
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Well, spring has sprung in Ontario. We have spent all the warm days outside - morning, noon and night. There have been several park adventures and lots of fun in the backyard as well. Here, Alec stopped to pose for just a moment but specified it was for his grandmom to see especially.
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Big Reds

Though I am late in doing so, I have to mention that the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver provided lots of joy and celebration this year. I was really impressed with the spirit at Alec`s school - not one but two special days dedicated to Olympic celebration, including the earning of a bronze medal as part of the `Africa`team. Alec was also the proud recipient of a gold medal that he earned for practicing his violin. I had hoped to get a picture of it but it was `consumed`too promptly - I guess that`s what you get when you make your gold medals out of cookie dough!
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As you can see ...

The green milk made us a bit silly!
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St. Patrick's Day 2010

St. Patrick's Day 2010 was a lot of fun at Alecgator's house. He became interested in the week leading up to the day as we started to talk about what wacky tricksters leprechans are and how they would even play tricks on teachers (like making animal sounds come out of the bells they ring for clean up time, or turning their hair a funny colour). He kept a solid watch (including guard duty) on the backyard for leprechauns, convinced that he could catch one. While he didn't find any actual leprechauns, he found some evidence of them (holes in the backyard) as well as some of their gold coins in the backyard on the day. Despite his vigilence, they managed to play one solid trick on him (i.e. green milk). Mom made green pancakes in the shape of shamrocks and he had a special shirt for the day that said `Shamrock and Roll`.
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