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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

To All the Girls He's Loved Before

Okay, okay ... I don't have pics of them all - but this is a good start!

A Good Sport

Alec's Grandmom and Auntie visited in May and we were too darn busy to take any photographs, except this one (which obviously does not have anyone but Alec in it). Still, I love this one because it helps (me) with the memory of a very good day.

This was the day of the Suzuki String School Spring Concert. As has been previously reported by me on this blog, Alec has been playing the violin for about two years and at the time of the concert had mastered the art of playing the Lemon Cake song (save the parts played on strings other than A or E). He was especially excellent at stomping his feet to the beat of the song as was required (I'm going to venture to say that he was the best stomper on that stage). We so enjoyed watching him that day, and he enjoyed all the pleasant company of his group class mates and other friends that we encountered at the venue before, during and after the performance. Boy, that really was a good day!

By way of a violin update, Alec now plays all of the twinkles (including Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) and A Major Scale.

It amazes me what a very good sport he always has been about the violin, tolerating it even when (like most times) practicing or having a lesson isn't his first (or even thirtieth) choice.

He has even reacted well to the practicing regime we have entered into this month to get ready for the fall term and has taken it upon himself to implement a system where we have a "pep talk" (his term) after most practices so we can, in his words: "talk about all the things I did wrong when I was playing".

Before you feel sorry for the devil on this point, be aware that he is 100% humoring me here - playing me like a fiddle, telling me what I want to hear; his tone, nodding and hand motions give away that this is a way for him to turn the tables on me to get back to the power position.

There are also some sincere moments - for instance, once in a while he plays a piece so well we stop the practice all together because I tell him I want to keep the sound of that beautiful playing in my ears all day and all night long. He bursts with pride (knowing himself that a real accomplishment was made) and happiness (no more practice -  hot dam!), and I'm not even fooling!
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