Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Big Laughs
There were lots of things yesterday which made Alec laugh big genuine laughs. Here are five of them, selected at random:
1. Diaper shirts going over his head (believe it or not, this gets the biggest laugh)
2. His mom hanging up a diaper shirt in the closet
3. Face massage , circles around the jaw specifically
4. His mom's crazy 'Pop goes the Weasel' game
5. His dad's outrageous hide and seek game
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Play it Again Alec
This picture shows a couple of things (besides the mess in the background, that is): 1. Alec sitting in his booster seat during dinner (his fathers and mine, that is), which he has been doing for the last week or so and 2. Alec playing with his Stroll Along Duckies (so named for their appropriateness for use with strollers and the like). Last night, in another demonstration of continued development, he very quickly figured out how to make this toy play music, then proceeded to make it do so over and over. Play it again Alec ...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Wild Life
We have been scouting around for the Chipmunk that appeared in our yard the day we brought Alec home from the hospital (with no luck recently), but there is a red squirrel that we often spot which is also fun to see.
Alec also spent some time this weekend keeping up on his correspondence, so some of you can expect some mail of the Halloween variety ...
Friday, October 20, 2006
Yet He Persists
Foot-play and outrageous flirting seem to be emerging as common themes in Alec's interests. This picture shows him, once again, opting to play with his feet rather than his hands. Yesterday we had lunch at a local bakery where he brought the lunch of two young girls to a grinding halt by flirting from across the room. Actually, if the term flirting implies some degree of subtelty, then flirting it was not.
In other developments, also of yesterday, he has decided that he wants to roll over. I have tried to convince him that no good will come of this because: 1. His Mommy is really not ready for him to take such a big step (his Daddy's like "roll, boy, roll") and 2. He will not like the result. The act of rolling one's body being one thing, the act of landing on one's stomach quite another. Yet he persists... I will keep you posted.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Let The Good Times Roll
I asked Alec to look studious for this picture. He is therefore either doing so, or pondering the meaning of the word studious.
The reason I was encouraging such a pose is that he has joined a community book club for kids aged 0 to 6. The club involves reading, singing songs and, Alec's favorite, free play.
Let the good times roll.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Communication Breakdown
I enjoy all of his noises but, on at least a couple of occasions so far, others have been a bit surprised to receive a rasberry as a greeting from a 3.5 month old.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Two important things happened this weekend: 1. Alec enjoyed a real bath for the first time (he has had baths, he just hasn't enjoyed them) and 2. Alec now grabs things, then does things with them (see his left hand for a shot of him playing with a toy - this picture was taken the first time he did this). Before this, he had lifted a blanket from my shoulder, then put it in his mouth.
It seems like he does at least a little something new every day!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Let it Snow
Right Back At You
Since Alec was about 3 weeks old, maybe even a bit younger, he has loved to see people roll both of their lips in a kind of lip-rasberry deal-io. At times, it seemed like he was trying to return the favour, but with no success - until now.
Two nights ago, while I was massaging him, he started doing it to me out of the blue. Since then, he has perfected his technique and is working on doing it on cue.
The glory of this move is hard to capture on film, but this photo may help you get the gist.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Object(s) of Affection
When Alec feels love, he laughs. This might be in response to some action, but occasionally (and only ever in the case of girls aged 0 to 19) he takes a look at people and giggles quite hysterically (and often repeatedly). It thrills me to see him so outrageously happy, and, in most cases, it also pleases the object(s) of his affection.
Yesterday at baby massage class, the little girl beside us wanted to touch him so she reached out and brushed his face with her hand, at which time her Mom teared up because it was such a sweet moment. Alec's response was to open his mouth really wide and sway his head forward, as if he planned to taste her. Either that, or he was contemplating a head butt. I think the former.
Fear Me For I Am Teething
Thankfully, like his father before him, he doesn't let a little drool stand in his way of having a good time.