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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Two Down, Thirty to Go

That's right - the second tooth is in.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Two New Moves

Here are photos of two of Alec's new moves. The first is the high five (he's been doing this since last week). The second is the "hey Mom, what are you doing back there?" (i.e. behind the camera).

P.S. - If these pajamas don't say someone in Nova Scotia (i.e. Aunt Jo Jo) loves me, I don't know what does!

Friday, January 26, 2007

I'll Let You Know When You're Needed

I'm always posting pics of Alec smiling, which he does often. Here, however, is a look that is becoming more and more common. It's the "I'm in the middle of something here. I'll let you know when you're needed" look.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Toes for Lunch

Alec was too camera-shy for me to show you his toe in mouth move, but this was taken shortly after he finished.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Vintage Alec

Alec has bypassed his a.m. nap so there aren't enough hands to download new
pictures. Hence, I give you vintage Alec (at about 2 mos. old). Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

No Tooth Ways About It

I bet you didn't think we had any korny puns left! Don't fear, there is more where this came from. Anyway, here are three things we learned about Alec yesterday:

1. He has a tooth - bottom left!
2. Squash is his new fav food
3. He prefers to burp to song (who doesn't ...)

This photo shows him enjoying a sippy cup for the first time, which happened on Sunday. He knew what to do with it without any prompting whatsoever! I guess he's been paying attention.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Son is Set Against The Twisty Burp

Well it's official, the twisty burp is a thing of the past. When Alec was brand new, I would turn his body from one side to the other to kiss each cheek just above the ear while burping him. I noticed right away how often he would burp during this move rather than the actual burping part of the process and thus implemented it as a part of our burping routine. Now that Alec is very grown up and strong, he won't permit such twisting of his body unless it is he who dictates its necessity. Thus, the son is set against the twisty burp.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Sorry I Asked

Last night, I found Alec looking like this while playing with his dad, so I asked the obvious question. "Well," replied Alec's dad, "Alec wanted to know if he could have a mohawk. You'll be happy to know I told him it was out of the question, but that he could, however, have a mosock." Sorry I asked.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cereal Disobedience

Last evening, with Alec's Dad out of town collecting an award for his good work at the office, Alec had a chance to put me straight about feeding time. Here's what he conveyed, in his own words:

1. That bib thing? Yeah - I don't need that.
2. The bowl with the food in it? Give that to me. I think I'll do a great job with it. I know I'll do a better job than you.
3. Thanks for the carrots. You took your sweet time handing them over but I sure enjoyed them once you did.
4. Call both sets of grandparents. Tell them that "the pigeon has landed". (I suspect this is code for something to do with a cookie.)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Almost Had Video

There was almost video to go with this picture today. Too bad I didn't realize that if you hold the camera vertically to shoot the video, it still plays horozontally! Maybe tommorow ...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Matter of Pride

It is a matter of pride for Alexander that he wash his own face and hands after each meal. You can see from the pictures how effective this is. Eventually I get him with a sneak ambush attack when he's least expecting it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Grampie, The Making Of

With everyone seeming to be curious about how many shots were taken to capture the image in the Happy Birthday Grampie post of Saturday, I thought we would do a "making of" post with some of the shots that didn't make the cut.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Grampie

Birthday Poem:
My Grampie wears a hat
And likes to drive his car
He drives for miles and miles
But doesn’t seem to go so far

I’m sure there are many reasons
That drive a man to the open road
But I think it is because
There are too many women at his abode

So on this special day
Grampie, I wish you all the best
And hope that for your birthday
They’ll give you some well earned rest!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Back on Track

Why is it that with a baby, as soon as you have things quasi-figured out, it's time for a change. Alec's sleep has been stellar the last two nights compared to that of the last month. Credit for the sleep derailment and getting back on track belongs to solid food I think (including both the need for it and the initial shock of getting it) so imagine my fear when considering that today is the day that veggies will be introducted into his diet! Keep your fingers crossed for us...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good Times

Well, there is snow on the ground now and I believe that it is scheduled to vanish and quickly return. Thus, I have contemplated how wonderful walks with Alec have been these 6 months. Certainly we will still get out for walks throughout the winter but we can no longer count on an hour or two each day to any destination of our choosing. Anyway, it was great while it lasted ...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Show 'Em What You've Got

It's a good thing that Alec likes to pose for pictures, because I sure enjoy taking them! Here are my two favs from yesterday.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Wiggle Like You Mean It

Despite the fact that Alec's dad thinks it is "cheating", I have been trying to get a photo of Alec wearing his Christmas duds. Last week, I got quite a few good ones, but kept getting huge shadow. Once I realized that if Alec sat on the sofa, shadow would not be an issue, he had invented a new game, i.e. wiggle out of the position your Mom puts you in (while you laugh hysterically, of course). Here is the result.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Check This Out - Laughing Alecgator

Make sure you've got the volume on for this one!

This Little Alec

Good news - Alec has his 6-month shots yesterday afternoon and there were no issues. In fact, he didn't even cry. He was a little grumpy in the evening from 7 to 8:30 or so but then simmered down for a long sleep. Before he became a little grumpy, there was a lot of fun playing going on. These photos were taken when he was playing 'This Little Piggy' with his dad.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Psst, Pass the Turkey Nachos

Alec has been enjoying rice cereal for one whole week and all is progressing nicely. His fav part is getting hold of the spoon and taking matters into his own hands (with me still holding the spoon, of course). We see the doctor today and will discuss next steps for even more solid food goodness. Despite sound progress, Turkey Nachos will have to wait.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Coming Soon To A Theatre Near You

Chez Alecgator, we now have video capability. We do not however have the means for distribuion; the videos being too big for email and me being too incompetent to post them on this blog. Stay tuned though, where there is a will, there is a way.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Time Sure Flies

The Alecgator turned 6 months old yesterday. I know it defies belief, but here is the evidence (beyond our calendars and, at least in my case, vivid memories of his birth):

1. Alec can roll over - both back to front and front to back. He doesn't choose to exercise this skill very often but, when he does, he completes the move with all the ease of a 6 month old.

2. Alec can sit up unassisted. This opens the door for a level of independent play (including the two-handed variety) that he has been enjoying.

3. Alec can pull himself to standing using a person for balance. This was scary to me until number 4 came along.

4. Alec can crawl backwards. According to my sister, I did this for many months before mastering forward motion.

5. Alec talks. At least this is what his father and I believe. He says 'Hi' at very appropriate moments.

So there you have the evidence. Let the good times roll.
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