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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just Before the Party Got Started

More Super Heros Unite

More Super Heros Unite

Superheros Unite

Alec on the Bars

Three Boys In a Row

A Laugh is Shared

Alec goes for it ...

on the 'Air Track'.

Birthday Hug

Besties on the Move

Purposeful, isn't it? I think it resulted in mischief.


This was the moment where I wondered if the photo taking had gone overboard.

A fave girl

One of our fave friends attended Alec's b-day party, and there she is.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Le Cake

Serious Blowing

Today Alec celebrated his 4th birthday with many friends. As you can see, there was a lot of blowing going on!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Enjoy it while you can

This week, Alec's last of school, all the birthdays (even the summer ones) are to be celebrated. Each child gets their own celebration ceremony where they walk around a globe and have a story read about their life (so far). Then they share a snack with their friends. Alec and I made these cookies to share (likely they will be used as cupcake decorations once all is decided, more will come). I am enjoying the last couple of weeks of 3-year oldidness while I can!

Teacher Pie

There was a lot of cooking going on at our house night, including this concoction that Alecgator dreamed up while talking of end of year presents for his teachers. He imagines his Teacher Pie will give the teachers a big surprise.

Bubble Tamer

Here you see the 'Master Bubbler' at work.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Snuggly - One Photo, Two Ways

I like the black and white, but to prevent my mother asking the inevitable question "why would you do that to a perfectly good colour photo"?, I give you both.

Spoils of War

This weekend was rainy, but luckily we managed to host an old-fashioned water fight in our backyard on Friday night. When the water "ran out" we had nothing left but empty buckets wet clothing, as the evidence shows.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Boy of Many Faces

Just When You Thought You Had Seen It All

I give you ... KUNG FU moves.

Luau it Up Outtake 2

This is his second response to the idea of posing - I call them (yes, all of them) "Stinker".

Luau it Up Outtake 1

First response to request to pose - I call it "non-compliant".

Luau it Up

Much to my surprise on Saturday morning, Alec received the shirt pictured here with excitement. "I didn't even know I had a luau shirt", he proclaimed. Once he got it on, he asserted that he would wear the same shirt to Adam's birthday party the next day and then (after thinking twice) changed his mind on the basis that "once the people at the party saw my shirt, they might forget it's a birthday party for Adam, and just start luau-ing".

Friday, June 04, 2010

Presenting ...

Number 8, "Alec the Great". He's got the Attitude ...

... and the moves.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Lean Mean Muscle Machine

Would you tangle with this guy? I think not.

Up Up and Away

Super hero jammies are a big deal around here these days. Likewise super hero shirts for school (sometimes nothing but will do, which is cute but sometimes inconvenient:-). At parent teacher interviews this time, one of the teachers relayed that on that very day the girls in the class started running around in panic, calling for a superhero at which point Alec jumped up, literally dropped what he had been doing and presented himself to "save the day".
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